Christopher R. Brigham, MD is a leading international expert on human potential, impairment, and disability assessment and management. He is committed to working with others in the application of evidence-based medicine and best practices to the workers’ compensation, personal injury, automobile casualty, and disability arenas to promote function and avoid needless disability.
“…he is passionate about creating change that will: 1) empower individuals to live productive lives and 2) reduce the human and financial costs associated with disabling.”
Dr. Brigham is a graduate of the Washington University School of Medicine – St. Louis and is Board Certified in Occupational Medicine (ABPM). He is a Founding Director of the American Board of Independent Medical Examiners (ABIME), a Fellow of the American College of Occupational Environmental Medicine (FACOEM), a Fellow of the International Academy of Independent Medical Evaluators (FIAIME) with Certification in Evaluation of Disability and Impairment Rating (CEDIR), a Certified Independent Medical Examiner (CIME), and a Certified Impairment Rater (CIR). Dr. Brigham is licensed in Hawaii, California, and Maine.
As a clinician with over thirty years of experience, Dr. Brigham has performed several thousand independent medical and impairment evaluations, gaining excellent insight into the complexities of these cases. Because of his experience, he has consulted internationally for numerous organizations, including governmental jurisdictions. He is passionate about creating change that will: 1) empower individuals to live productive lives and 2) reduce the human and financial costs associated with disabling.
Beyond work, he is a follower of Christ (a Stephens Minister) and a Founding Director of the Faith-Based Claims Association. He enjoys his family and friends, sailing, kayaking, bicycling, running, hiking, and travel. He is married and has three daughters and four grandchildren.
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